Sofia Gusnia Nurmaida Saragih, Maria Yosephine


Pain is a form of life or circumstances beyond normal limits and thus requires medical attention and care in health care facilities. Nurses as a profession of the healthcare team responsible for helping clients safely and comfortably. One of the nurse’s roles in health care is spiritual fulfillment. Spiritual assessment is part of a holistic nursing assessment. Spiritual fulfillment clients can reduce pain and aid in healing physical and mental. The purpose of the study determines the relationship between the factors of compliance with the implementation of a spiritual assessment of patients at Hospital " X " Bandung. The method used in this study is a quantitative correlation method, type a descriptive study using cross - sectional approach. Total sample 110 nurses, sampling techniques using random sampling techniques. Data analysis using chi square test. The results showed that there was no relationship between the factors of compliance with the implementation of a spiritual assessment, p value> α (0.05). Recommendations in this study were nurses always use a comprehensive approach to care which one of them through a spiritual assessment by following the progress of the development of science and tailored to the needs of the patient.

Keywords: spiritual assessment, compliance, nursing

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